FleetSpec, a division of 3287581 Canada Inc., Montreal, Canada, warrants that all spring brakes and service chambers, when properly installed and placed under normal service and use as truck or trailer air brake actuators, are free from defects in material and workmanship for three years from the date of manufacture stamped on the product. The warranty period applies irrespective of mileage.
Limitation of warranty
1. This warranty is invalid if the spring brakes or service chambers have been subjected to abuse, misuse, improper installation, abnormal service, accident, road debris, fire, repair, tampering or use in a non-standard vehicle application and had not been pre-approved by FleetSpec before installation. Unauthorized repairs or modifications will void this
limited warranty.
2. In no event and under no circumstances shall FleetSpec be responsible under this limited warranty for any other charges whatsoever, including but not limited to charges or claims for labour, lost business, lost time, lost profits, loss of use, or any consequential damages, however denominated or described. The remedy under this warranty is limited to repair or replacement, at FleetSpecs’ option, of the defective spring brake or service chamber.
3. This warranty applies exclusively to FleetSpec spring brakes and service chambers sold for use within the North American market.
Disclaimer of other warranties
This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either expressed or implied. All other warranties, expressed or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are hereby excluded.
Procedure for warranty claims
Product claimed defective must be returned freight prepaid to FleetSpec within 30 days from the date the defect is first detected. Upon receipt of the alleged defective spring brake or service chamber, FleetSpec shall examine it. If FleetSpec agrees that the spring brake or service chamber is defective in materials or workmanship within the warranty period, FleetSpec will repair or replace and return it to the customer. If the spring brake or service chamber does not meet the requirements of our Warranty Policy as described above, at the customer’s choice, the unit will be returned freight collect, repaired at the customer’s cost or disposed of by FleetSpec.